Is the cabin fever getting to you?

Dear Moms and Couples with young children,

I've been thinking about all the chaos and stress in the world, during this Covid-19 pandemic, and was wondering how to help moms and couples with young children, like you who are stuck at home.

Check out these 75 ideas to survive your cabin fever and stay connected during this shelter in place that my friend and colleague, Stacy Lee of Couples Institute Counseling Services in Menlo Park, developed.

Leave a comment below to let me know which were your favorites, or let us know your own creative idea.

Just click here for this must-have survival guide.

Stay healthy my friends,

ā¯¤ļø¸ Lori




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Are you a parent with a young child or two? Then I bet you're feeling frustrated, exhausted, and overwhelmed with the never-ending To Do list that comes with growing a family. This "Date State" guide will help you feel closer and more connected in your marital/couple relationship!